Ring 12 Officers

Gene Gordon – Karl Norman Ring 12 is honored to have several of the most talented magicians in the area serving as our officers. If you have any questions about Ring 12, or becoming more active in the magic community … Continue reading

Past Meetings

2009 Meetings January Shaun RobisonFebruary Members AuctionMarch Harrison CarollApril Jay SankeyMay Chris CapehartJune Rochester Lunch BunchSeptember MikeGalloOctober Paul GertnerNovember Jim PaceDecember Holiday Party 2010 MeetingsJanuary Karl Norman – Best Lecture of 2010. February Members Auction March Dan HarlanApril Devin KnightApril … Continue reading

Pictures From Past Events

March Hare Ball Saturday, March 23, 2019 Headliner Michael Finney Regular Meeting September 10, 2018 Todd Nelson Lecturer with Ed Barszcz @ The Teaching Table. Ring 12 Picnic Summer 2018 @ Brian Blakes House. May 7th Extra Lecture With Dan Fleshman and … Continue reading

Where do we Meet

Where Do We Meet? Normally, Gene Gordon – Karl Norman IBM Ring 12 meets at 7 pm on the first Monday of every month from October to June, and the second Monday of the September at the following location: The … Continue reading

Presidents Message

November 2022 Sorry I missed the October meeting but my wife and I were on back-to-back cruises between Quebec City and New York City. I will most certainly be at the November meeting. Phil Pivick (aka: Wonderphil) will be presenting … Continue reading