
Welcome to the official website of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) Gene Gordon—Karl Norman Ring 12.

Next Meeting:

Monday, January 6, 7pm

at Screening Room, Boulevard Mall

Program: Lecture by Noel


Program: Lecture by Noel
Date: Monday, January 6, 2024
Time: Doors open 6:30 PM, Teaching Table 7:00 PM, Program 7:30 PM

Teaching Table: Rhys Mandaville
Location: Screening Room, outside entrance of Boulevard Mall

Your January lecturer and longtime Ring 12 lurker hails from parts unknown, weight also unknown. Noel has some magic, and mostly new jokes to try and entertain the group in 2025. If that goes South, he can revert to silently finding the Aces.

Noel is the most proficient Sleight of Hand Artist within walking distance of the Screening Room. Noel will bring his “B” game of Non-Card Magic to kick off the New Year and mostly new jokes. He says he has seventeen days left to learn the classic palm, and likes his chances.

“Noel’s always been a legend in his own mind.” – Ghost of Mike Hilburger

As a reminder of our meeting location:
The Screening Room Cinema, 880 Alberta Dr., Amherst, NY 14226

The Screening Room entrance is on the Alberta Dr. side of the Boulevard Mall. You drive in the mall parking lot from Alberta Dr, and the Screening room is between JC Penney and Macy’s. You cannot enter the Screening room from inside the mall.